
Showing posts from October, 2018

I was so much older then, I am younger than that now. Ecuador

I have now been back from Ecuador a little over two months.  I have already taken a vacation (Taking The Canadian train across Canada) and am getting ready for many more.  My settling in to Greenville has gone better than I expected in some ways, harder than expected in others. When people ask me did I love Quito and Ecuador.. I can be a bit flummoxed as to where to start.  So much of it I loved, so much of it was sooo hard, and some if I just endured.  It was a jumble in so many many ways.  But for me, the important story  is that somewhere along the line my reboot button got set.  After being back for about 6 weeks  I spent 10 days walking and riding on a train with no wifi .  My head cleared and some ideas of how I would like to spend the next years came together.  In short, I am good! For the first time in a VERY long time, I am curious about my future and looking forward to it. For me - the pre- and post Ecuador me is best expres...